Monday, April 30, 2012

why I came to college

I came to college because I felt I needed to do it to better my life for my son.  Nobody expected me to go to college, it was my choice.  I didn't look at any non-college options because I want to work at Mayo Clinic and I want to know as much as I can before I work there.  My son played a huge roll in me decision to go to college but now I have a different reason.  As I have said I am a single mother and some of my relatives look down on me for that.  I know I have made mistakes but I feel my family should not treat me different.  Once I started college some of them encouraged me but others said I wouldn't make it basically saying that I am a screw up of my family.  I know I am not perfect like some of my relatives but I know I have to graduate college.  All of my cousins went to college right after high school.  It may have taken me six years but I am here now and doing it.  I am not all that smart and I know this is going to be challenging for me but graduating from college is one major goal I have in my life now.  I have to prove to my family that I am not as bad as they see me.  I am hoping if I can do this that I will get the respect that I deserve and they wont look down on me anymore.

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