Monday, April 30, 2012

last blog

Well that last blog for this class and with so much going through my mind I don't know what I want to say.   I have not gotten any better at writing.  I just don't know if writing is right for me.  This is the first time blogging for me and I don't have a problem with it but it is just not for me.  I just couldn't keep up with it as you could tell.  The semester wont by way to fast and I felt like I really didn't have time to think about anything.  I am kind of worried about how my grade will be because English has never been a strong subject for me and just hoping I get a decent grade.

why I came to college

I came to college because I felt I needed to do it to better my life for my son.  Nobody expected me to go to college, it was my choice.  I didn't look at any non-college options because I want to work at Mayo Clinic and I want to know as much as I can before I work there.  My son played a huge roll in me decision to go to college but now I have a different reason.  As I have said I am a single mother and some of my relatives look down on me for that.  I know I have made mistakes but I feel my family should not treat me different.  Once I started college some of them encouraged me but others said I wouldn't make it basically saying that I am a screw up of my family.  I know I am not perfect like some of my relatives but I know I have to graduate college.  All of my cousins went to college right after high school.  It may have taken me six years but I am here now and doing it.  I am not all that smart and I know this is going to be challenging for me but graduating from college is one major goal I have in my life now.  I have to prove to my family that I am not as bad as they see me.  I am hoping if I can do this that I will get the respect that I deserve and they wont look down on me anymore.

writing process

I have written research papers in the past but writing is difficult for me.  I have never been good at writing and probably wont ever be good.  For my research paper I am writing about homeschooling.  I couldn't really find anything I could really argue about.  I am passionate about a couple things but nobody is going to say that they are a good thing so I couldn't write about them.  For homeschooling I don't think it is a good thing because I believe kids should be around their peers.  They might get more out of class because they have more one on one time but that is the challenge of public schools.  You have to push yourself to do good.

An issue I care about

Well the topic of my research paper is homeschooling.  But one topic I really care about is bullying.  Through out the years it has gotten worse.  There are younger kids that start bullying and they now do it on the internet.  My son starts preschool next year and I fear the worst for him because he is not like other kids.  He doesnt have the common hair color like blond, brown, or black.  He had red hair and he has glasses already at the age of 4.  He is the type of kid that they would bully because of those reasons.  With the storied I hear more and more about how bad it has gotten.  I feel like I will have to end up teaching him to either stick up for himself or not to be afraid to talk to people about it.  Having your kid be bullied scares me because there are kids that commit suicide because of it and I am scared that it could happen.

The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle was not a book I would have read on my own.  It was a good book and I will recommend others to read it.  I am glad I got to read it because it really made me think.  It shows that people judge other people and that does happen today and maybe if more people read it they will realize that you shouldn't judge people.

On Teenagers and Tattoos

I don't think teenagers should get tattoos.  They might be unique but they are something that you have to live with for the rest of your life.  I have tattoos but I was an adult when I got them.  Most of my tattoos have meaning behind them I have a  couple for my family and I just got one that doesn't have a meaning.  Tattoos are not something you just want to get you honestly have to think about them before you get them.  I have always told myself that I wouldn't get a name tattooed on me and I see people with their partners names on them.  I don't disapprove of tattoos but just make sure you think about them.  You also have to think about your future.  Are jobs going to hire you if you have a  bunch of tattoos that can't be covered up. 

Spring break

For spring break I had a bowling tournament.  I am on a women's bowling league and we go to the tournament every year.  I know people are probably thinking is nothing amazing but it is one thing that I do for me.  Taking classes online I am usually home all the time with my son unless I work.  When I go to the state tournament I have some family watch Jesse.  I always miss him a lot but it is important to have time away from kids to because sometimes it is a lot to handle.  So that is how i spent my spring break

functional or dysfunctional family

What really makes a family functional or dysfunctional?  Everyone thinks different and to someone your family may seem dysfunctional but to you it can seem functional.  I always put my son's needs before my own needs and I think that I have a functional family but others might not.  In the Glass Castle the kids have gone without food or good clothes.  I don't think they had a dysfunctional family because they made it work and they were usually happy.  I guess it all really comes down to what people think.  It also shouldn't matter what other people think of you.  As long as you and your family are happy there is no way people can say your family is dysfunctional.

my vacation

My family on my mom's side does not live in Minnesota and I don't get to see them as much as I would like to.  I have not gotten to see them sense 2006 at my high school graduation.  I have relatives that live in Arizona, California, and Michigan.  Well this year for 4th of July we plan to go over to Michigan to see my family.  In Travers City, Michigan they have a festival called the Cherry Festival.  They have a lot going on over there for it.  We plan on spending a lot of time out on their boat and just spending time together and I am going to cherish every moment of it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I currently have 153 friends on Facebook.  I know every one of them.  They are either my family, friends, or people I went to school with.  I am on Facebook everyday but will only talk to my family and friends that do not live in Minnesota.  I wont add anyone on my Facebook unless I know them.  Some could say that I am careful on who knows stuff about my life.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

lessons in life!

Just sitting down and thinking about how this year has started has made me realize I am not living my life to the fullest.  Within the past two months I have knows two people that have died and just thinking about them has made me have a new thinking about life.  I have realized that you need to make whatever you can out of your life.  Love, Laugh, Live, and forgive because you never know when something will happen.  I have gone through changes from the start of the year.  Some of them good and some of them not.  If I have thought about that sooner I might not have pushed people out of my life.  This just shows that you learn new things every day weather your in school or not, you learn about your life.  So just a reminder to everyone to just live your life!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I am a huge family person and nothing is more important then family.  My grandma is one of the most important people in my life.  We usually go to my grandparents house for all of the holidays.  The whole family would be there and we would just spend the day together.  I walk in to her house and the first thing I see is a tree that she keeps up all year.  She decorates the tree for whatever holiday it is.  She has pictures of the Grandchildren and Great grandchildren.  When we go there for the holidays the house smells of turkey, ham, meatballs, and bread.  One of my favorite meals is her potato dumplings.  I don't know what I would do without my grandma she has helped me out so much in my life and i love her so much.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Inspiring Song

I believe I can fly has inspired me a lot.  It has made me think I can be anything I want to be in life.  I have had my far out dreams like wanting to be a princess or a singer but now that I am only and have someone else besides myself to think about I have finally started thinking about making a better life.  I am hoping that remembering that I can be anything I want will help me get through school.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Writing and college

    Writing is difficult for me.  I would love to do more writing but When I get assigned something or just try to sit down and write it takes me longer than normal things.  I am terrible at concentrating.  I can just be writing something small and it will take me 20 minutes just to think of what I want in there or how it is supposed to go. 

    I decided to go back to college for my son.  I want him to see that education is important and that he can be anything he wants to be.  I am also in school so I can hopefully get a job that I love to do.  I don’t know if the major I picked is something I would love to do for the rest of my life and if I decide that it’s not I can always come back to school to figure it out.  I hope that college will help me decide what I want to do for the rest of my life.